Sunday 15 July 2007

Dolphins of Greece - Day 8

OK, so the post is a bit late (about 4 weeks) but we thought we should finish off the trip...

Day 8 (Monday) was fantastic, a really great sighting. We were surveying the fish farms when Julie spotted dolphins in the distance (it's not often that a volunteer spots them first, so it's worth recording!). We stayed with them for ages - they were very well behaved (ie it was relatively easy to keep track of them) and there was no coming or going - just the same group. They were very active, lots of aerial behaviour - a perfect last trip. Even Joan was pretty mellow!!!

Lots of cropping in the afternoon (Joan took around 300 photos...). The first stage of matching (within the sighting - ie grouping all the photos of the same dolphin) was quite hard this time, as there were 3 dolphins with quite similar markings (at least at first sight) and 3 other pretty plain ones. So, we didn't get to finish matching with the catalogue.

After a quick summary of the trip from Joan, we went back to Remezzo's for a final dinner. Elaine also discovered chocolate chip milk shake (somewhat richer than the plain chocolate one) which doesn't bode well for our waistlines when we come back in August!!!

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