Sunday 17 June 2007

Dolphins of Greece - Day 7

So we missed yesterday, not much happened - we went to the Preveza channel and did an open sea transect - no dolphins though! It wasn't too surprising as they have only been seen once on this transect!!!

On the way back we broke down!!! Well we ran out of petrol, but then couldn't restart the engine once the petrol had been topped up as there was air in the engine. We ended up getting towed to a marina by some Brits in a Dutch sailing boat! It was soon fixed and we were on our way home again. Still no dolphins though! Just goes to show though - you should always wave and say hi to other boats as you pass, as you never know when you're going to need help from them!

Photo ID was very successful. We got nearly everything right and identified all but a couple of very plain dolphins (plain in the sense that they didn't have any distinguishing markings - obviously no dolphins are really plain!).

We were meant to cook - but Julie's friend was in Vonitsa last night and so we decided to go to Remezzo's for dinner instead - which meant we didn't get the chance to inflict frozen pizza and baked beans on Joan!!!

Day 7 - Sunday - Today we saw loads of dolphins, doing all sorts of things, eating, jumping, socialising and even beating each other up a bit!!! No data collection today, we were trying to get a skin sample, but the dolphins weren't playing ball and so we failed!!! We enjoyed watching them though.

Just had lunch - too much to eat again, some nice pies and greek salad. We have a couple of hours break and then back to photo ID.

Unfortunately only one more boat trip left - fingers crossed we get lots more dolphins tomorrow!!!

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