Friday 24 August 2007

Day 4

Another great boat trip today - seems a common theme! Again, no dolphins on the transect, but loads of them shortly afterwards. After quite some time recording group size data, Joan decided to try again for the skin sample - but again without success, the dolphins just didn't want to bowride today. Very hot today - definitely the hottest day so far.

We (or at least Richard) saw 2 turtles on the trip today - then when we arrived back in port, the resident turtle (Cindy) paid us a visit - long enough to get a good view of quite how large she is, but just short enough to get away before we had the camera ready! She then hovered for ages just far enough away so that we couldn't get a decent photo...

After lunch we decided to show Claire the island (connected to the mainland by a slightly strange bridge). Perhaps not the wisest decision given how hot it was, but a chocolate chip milkshake soon cooled us down. Then back to the house for photo-ID - Joan asked us to match another June siting, with 180 photos! Quite a few were straightforward, but there were a load of very similar photos...

Our dinner last night went down well, particularly with Posie - he went mental when he smelled the meat, refused to eat any of his own food all night, then cleared his dish very thoroughly when he was given some leftovers!

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