Sunday 15 July 2007

Share your experiences

OK, so a trip to Cricklewood isn't quite as exciting as going to Greece, but still worth a quick blog!

This was an event (on 12 July 2007) for repeat volunteers (anyone who'd done at least 3 trips was invited) and was great fun - lots of food and wine, great talk from an African fellow, Nigel repeatedly telling us how wonderful we are (always good for the ego!) and everyone with 10 trips or more was presented with a certificate and a souvenir book of photos from their trips, which made us feel really proud (if a bit embarrased!).

We leave again for Greece in 5 weeks today! We're travelling by train this time, which will be an experience.... We're going with Claire (her 15th trip) which must be some sort of record - 3 volunteers on one team with at least 15 trips each! Claire's been booking our train tickets, which has proved to be a complete nightmare - the travel agency don't seem to have a clue. But it's finally sorted - just got to decide which ferry to catch from Italy to Greece.

Dolphins of Greece - Day 9

Unfortunately, time to go home.... But at least we know we'll be back - in 9 weeks!

Journey home was a bit painful - an hour's delay before leaving, then 45 minute delay in the air above Heathrow, and another 45 minutes on the runway waiting for a gate. And the weather in England is still miserable......

Dolphins of Greece - Day 8

OK, so the post is a bit late (about 4 weeks) but we thought we should finish off the trip...

Day 8 (Monday) was fantastic, a really great sighting. We were surveying the fish farms when Julie spotted dolphins in the distance (it's not often that a volunteer spots them first, so it's worth recording!). We stayed with them for ages - they were very well behaved (ie it was relatively easy to keep track of them) and there was no coming or going - just the same group. They were very active, lots of aerial behaviour - a perfect last trip. Even Joan was pretty mellow!!!

Lots of cropping in the afternoon (Joan took around 300 photos...). The first stage of matching (within the sighting - ie grouping all the photos of the same dolphin) was quite hard this time, as there were 3 dolphins with quite similar markings (at least at first sight) and 3 other pretty plain ones. So, we didn't get to finish matching with the catalogue.

After a quick summary of the trip from Joan, we went back to Remezzo's for a final dinner. Elaine also discovered chocolate chip milk shake (somewhat richer than the plain chocolate one) which doesn't bode well for our waistlines when we come back in August!!!